Consumption of unhealthy foods of a group of ecuadorian adolescents

Consumo de alimentos no saludables de un grupo de adolescentes ecuatorianos

  • Enma Catalina Torres Medicis Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Yrma Santana Pérez Universidad del Zulia
  • Susana Peña Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Patricia Vanegas Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Maritza Guillen Universidad Católica de Cuenca


Unhealthy eating in adolescents is one of the main concerns of the United Nations due to the harmful effects on health. The objective was to characterize and relate the consumption of unhealthy foods with the nutritional status, age and sex of a group of adolescents from the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. It was a non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional investigation. The sample consisted of 407 adolescents, of both sexes between 12 and 19 years old, from the Remigio Romero y Cordero Educational Unit. A survey was applied to assess the consumption of unhealthy foods and their frequency. Ethical principles were met. A nutritional evaluation was carried out to estimate the nutritional status, valued using the body mass index (height - weight), considering the indicators and criteria established by the World Health Organization. The results reflect that the majority of adolescents consumed unhealthy foods. 16.7% were overweight, 8.4% underweight, and 5.9% obese. Conclusions: The unhealthy food consumption pattern of the studied adolescents represents a risk for the general health status, which is evidenced by the significant association between the nutritional status and the consumption of unhealthy foods, for sweets, cookies and soft drinks.


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How to Cite
Torres Medicis, E. C., Santana Pérez, Y., Peña, S., Vanegas, P., & Guillen, M. (2021). Consumption of unhealthy foods of a group of ecuadorian adolescents: Consumo de alimentos no saludables de un grupo de adolescentes ecuatorianos. REDIELUZ, 11(1), 27-35. Retrieved from
Health Sciences