Epigenetics in Architecture for the conception of the Projectual Exercise?

  • Joanna Schneider Medina de Carrasquero Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Epigenetics, environment, architecture, design exercise


The concept of epigenetics associated with this research has installed a new paradigm, where environmental factors play a fundamental role in favor of more holistic and bioecological models of human development, where the relationship between genetic and environmental influences is established without in the sequence of DNA. At present it is shown that genetic factors are determined by the cellular environment and not only by heredity. The present study is part of an investigation that aims to design a method to stimulate learning and the conception of the design exercise, so for this article elements that support said method are incorporated, where the integration of this part is demonstrated f rom biology, to the development processes and thinking skills in architecture students. A qualitative and quantitative methodology is applied, in a structured, categorized and contrasted way, the phenomenological and hermeneutical approach is taken as a reference. The results of the research demonstrate the development of creativity under a certain environment, applied to three different levels of knowledge, with interaction mechanisms between the object and the subject, based on a process of structures with an established hierarchical order.


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How to Cite
Medina de Carrasquero, J. S. (2021). Epigenetics in Architecture for the conception of the Projectual Exercise?. Perspectiva, 2(16), 6-25. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org./index.php/perspectiva/article/view/35482