Interpretation of meanings of the world view by representatives of different cultures from the standpoint of psycholinguistics

Keywords: the worldview, semantic layer, invariant of the worldview, system of social meanings, the world picture


The objective of our study is to identify specific and significant for the society fragments of the cultural and semantic layer of the world view among representatives of Ukrainian and German cultures and to interpret them from the standpoint of psycholinguistics. The following methods were used in the study: a descriptive method was used to describe the semantic layer, the world pictures, reflected in the cultures of ancient peoples and their modern followers; abstract-logical method and its methods was applied for the synthesis of theoretical material; etymological analysis was used to reveal the original meaning of culturally defined concepts; continuous sampling method was used to establish quantitative characteristics of fragments of ancient invariants of the world view; associative experiment was applied to identify fragments of systems of object and verbal meanings that are significant for modern society. An associative experiment with German and Ukrainian schoolchildren showed that Ukrainian pupils have more social meanings in the important for modern society spheres than German pupils as representatives of their societies. At the same time, Ukrainian pupils highlighted society's appealing to problems which should be solved within the society itself.


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How to Cite
Khomenko, T., Tokaryeva, T., Habelko, O., Foka, M., & Taranukha, T. (2024). Interpretation of meanings of the world view by representatives of different cultures from the standpoint of psycholinguistics. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(3), 839-854.