Training in pedagogical action of indigenous teachers with respect to cultural identity in school in the school institutions of Guainía, Colombia

  • Maira Alejandra Parales Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencia y Educación Ciencia y Tecnología
  • Caterina Clemenza de Araujo Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencia y Educación Ciencia y Tecnología
Keywords: Pedagogical action, indigenous teachers, indigenous students, cultural identity, school institutions


The purpose of the article is to examine the training in the pedagogical action of indigenous teachers in the face of cultural identity according to the uses and customs of the students in the school institutions of the Department of Guainía, Colombia. Among the authors consulted are: De la Cruz et al. (2020), Bastiani and López (2019), Acevedo (2013), Bolaños (2007). The paradigm is interpretive, qualitative approach,
phenomenological method and descriptive scope. To collect information, in-depth interviews and observation were used, applying a script of questions and an observation guide to eight teachers from five educational institutions. The analysis of the findings was done through triangulation, around the category training for pedagogical action. The results show weaknesses in terms of monitoring the Community Educational Project, the use of didactic strategies and resources to generate significant learning, and training to serve indigenous students to strengthen their cultural identity. In conclusion, teachers recognize that the educational process must be continuous and reflected in classroom practice, respecting the worldview, customs, experiences and experiences of the students in order to preserve their ancestral traditions.


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Author Biography

Maira Alejandra Parales, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencia y Educación Ciencia y Tecnología

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How to Cite
Parales, M. A., & Clemenza de Araujo, C. (2025). Training in pedagogical action of indigenous teachers with respect to cultural identity in school in the school institutions of Guainía, Colombia. Impacto Científico, 19(2), 490-503. Retrieved from