Attitude towards the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics of the teachers of the municipality of La Estrella. Antioquia. Colombia

  • Franklin Córdoba Universidad Metropolitana de Educación. Ciencia y Tecnología UMECIT
  • Sunny Perozo Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
Keywords: Attitude, affective, behavioral, cognitive, mathematics teaching


The present work is developed from describing the attitude towards the use
of information technologies in the teaching of mathematics of the teachers of the
Municipality of La Estrella in Antioquia, Colombia. It is presented as a descriptive
investigation with a contemporary transactional field design. The population was made
up of 127 teachers of different levels of training, from initial (preschool and primary)
to middle (tenth and eleventh) of the educational institutions of La Estrella. For data
collection, the survey technique was used by means of a 148-item scale instrument. With
a reliability calculated by Cronbach's Alpha of 0.99. The results were analyzed using
descriptive statistics, specifically the measure of central tendency, the median, and the
relative and percentage frequencies. The results indicate that most of the teachers have
a highly favorable attitude towards the use of ICT in the teaching of mathematics, as
the surveyed teachers consider ICT as an opportunity to plan, facilitate and evaluate in
their mathematics classes.


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How to Cite
Córdoba, F., & Perozo, S. (2022). Attitude towards the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics of the teachers of the municipality of La Estrella. Antioquia. Colombia. Impacto Científico, 17(1), 11-33. Retrieved from