A postgraduate proposal for management formation:

mastery in operations management

  • Ana Teresa Prieto Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • María Carolina Mármol Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
Keywords: Management training, expertise in operations management, innovation, production processes


Inscribed in the tradition of management training and management developed at the University of Zulia, the Master in Operations Management is a high-level
academic program that seeks to consolidate the processes of comprehensive training of business managers to strengthen both their ability to work in interdisciplinary teams and their faculties for innovation, such as the permanent application of knowledge through applied research, the willingness to promote the improvement of man in the organization, with competencies and skills to effectively direct and manage systems and the productive processes of the operations in the organizations. In this order of ideas, the professional graduate of the Master's in Operations Management, will have the required training of the professional of the management and will be able to assume responsibilities such as: general management, operations management, maintenance management, manufacturing management, quality management, technology management, logistics management, production management, or independent consultant. The program, offered by the Postgraduate and Research Coordination of the Costa Oriental del Lago Nucleus of the University of Zulia, seeks to contribute effectively to innovation and the improvement of business systems of the important economic and social transformations that Venezuela requires. The Master's Degree in Operations Management encourages interdisciplinary work by integrating knowledge of the decision-making processes at the tactical and operational levels of organizations, with the administrative, managerial knowledge characteristic of strategic decisionmaking. In this sense, this integration seeks to train students with solid knowledge in the sciences of business administration.


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How to Cite
Prieto, A. T., & Mármol, M. C. (2021). A postgraduate proposal for management formation:: mastery in operations management. Impacto Científico, 13(1), 47-57. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org./index.php/impacto/article/view/35242