Interdiscipline and systems theory: an applicative version of science

Interdiscipline and systems theory: an applicative version of science

  • Roberto FOLLARI Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


The work shows that the epistemological difficulties with the incommensurability between discourses and categories of different disciplines, instead of being discussed and overcome, have been –in interdisciplinary practice- displaced by a “leap to the concrete”. Thus, the application has taken center stage, in various versions: theoretical / political in Wallerstein, business / pragmatic in Gibbons, and solving complex operational problems in Rolando García. It is the latter who has developed the most conceptually his position, which involves achievements but also problems.


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How to Cite
FOLLARI, R. (2021). Interdiscipline and systems theory: an applicative version of science: Interdiscipline and systems theory: an applicative version of science. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 26(94), 147-157. Retrieved from

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