Controllers”™ design for the drying rotational oven of the factory “Cementos Cienfuegos S.A.”

  • Ernesto Fernández Rodríguez Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echevarría” - Cuba
  • Ana Isabel González Santos Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echevarría” - Cuba
  • Norelys íguila Camacho Universidad de Chile - Chile


In this work they intend several strategies for the control of the temperature in a drying rotational oven which is affected by the variations of the flow of matters cousins to the entrance of the drying oven. When varying the flow of matters cousins it varies in a drastic way the temperature inside the drying oven imposing an expense of additional fuel to reestablish the conditions of nominal operation. For the obtaining of the mathematical pattern of the process of variation of temperature in function of the flow of fuel a pseudo random multilevel signal (PRMLS) was used. The results of the simulation of each one of the proposed control strategies, using the pattern of the plant obtained by means of identification, they are compared in function of design specifications, robustness and characteristic of the temporary response.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografias Autor

Ernesto Fernández Rodríguez, Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echevarría” - Cuba

Departamento de Automática y Computación del Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echevarría”. Av. 114 #11901, Marianao, CP 19390, La Habana, Cuba.

Ana Isabel González Santos, Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echevarría” - Cuba
Departamento de Automática y Computación del Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echevarría”. Av. 114 #11901, Marianao, CP 19390, La Habana, Cuba.
Norelys íguila Camacho, Universidad de Chile - Chile

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile. 

Como Citar
Fernández Rodríguez, E., González Santos, A. I. e íguila CamachoN. (2016) «Controllers”™ design for the drying rotational oven of the factory “Cementos Cienfuegos S.A.”», Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia, 37(3). Disponível em: (Acedido: 19Outubro2024).
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