Development of methods to model UAVS nonlinear automatic control systems


When modeling Automatic Control Systems (ACS) of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), it is often necessary to take into account the nonlinearity of an aircraft's reaction when the controls drift, as well as the strong influence of various destabilizing factors that make the system go out of linear mode. When known analytical and numerical methods are used to analyze dynamic systems, it is problematic to obtain general solutions that are valid for the variable parameters of the system under study and, at the same time, provide the required error value. A method has been developed to model dynamic processes in automatic non-linear UAV control systems based on linear approximation by parts and crosslinking of partial solutions with consideration of the initial conditions. An example of using the technique to model the transition characteristics of an ACS UAV with a single non-linear link is considered. Based on the analysis of errors in the calculation of the transition process, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown.


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Biografía del autor/a

G. S. Vasilyev, Universidad del Zulia
Profesor de la Universidad del Zulia
O. R. Kuzichkin, Professor of Belgorod State University, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Belgorod State University, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
I. A. Kurilov, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600000, Russia
Professor of Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600000, Russia
D. I. Surzhik, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600000, Russia
Professor of Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600000, Russia


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Cómo citar
Vasilyev, G. S., Kuzichkin, O. R., Kurilov, I. A., & Surzhik, D. I. (2020). Development of methods to model UAVS nonlinear automatic control systems. Revista De La Universidad Del Zulia, 11(30), 137-147. Recuperado a partir de