The relationship between brand reliability and behavioral inclinations, concerning the mediation role of perceptual consequences of Brand (Case study: Adidas store in Tehran)

  • Behrouz Eskandarpour Department of Managment, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Irán.


Concerning the sensitive competitive condition in the world, each store in
order to achieve its superior aims, namely, fundraising and increasing
business efficiency alongside all problems and official disciplines
(official provisions, note office), needs to possess hardworking,
energetic, considerate, and liable personnel for attracting and retaining
customers. This research was done in Adidas store of Tehran, with the
purpose of investigating the relationship between brand reliability and
behavioral inclinations, concerning the mediation role of perceptual
consequences of Brand. This study is a practical one and data collection
method was descriptive and survey based. The statistical community
consisted of whole customers of Adidas store in Tehran. To examine
research hypothesis a sample of 400 customers were selected randomly.
For data collection regarding literature of research, library method was
used (studying books and articles) and for hypothesis testing standard
questionnaire was used based on 5- point Likert scale. Reliability of
questionnaire was confirmed by experts and respective professors’ point of view. Reliability coefficient based on Cronbach’s alpha was calculated (0.921). For data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used. The results of study showed that, brand reliability has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty and commitment, and continuous commitment of customers. Also, customer satisfaction, loyalty and commitment have a positive impact on inclinations to oral advertising, and it was observed that, when customer satisfaction, loyalty and commitment are high, customers’ tendency for changing store will decrease.


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Author Biography

Behrouz Eskandarpour, Department of Managment, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Irán.
Teacher Department of Managment, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Irán.


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How to Cite
Eskandarpour, B. (2019). The relationship between brand reliability and behavioral inclinations, concerning the mediation role of perceptual consequences of Brand (Case study: Adidas store in Tehran). Journal of the University of Zulia , 8(22), 11-22. Retrieved from