Our Unruly Signs, and How We Cope with Them

  • Floyd Merrell Purdue University, Indiannapolis


This paper suggests some premises that should inhere in any viable account of what C. S. Peirce called a ”˜logic of vagueness”™, a ”˜logic”™ in the ”˜broadest possible sense”™. These premises revolve around complementary interrelations between overdetermination and underdetermination, vagueness and generality, and inconsistency and incompleteness, the combination of them bearing a threat to the classical principles of Identity, Non-Contradiction, and Excluded-Middle. However, fortunately for us, it is through our detouring around these classical principles that we are able to cope with our everyday apparently unruly, illogical signs.

Cómo citar
Merrell, F. (1). Our Unruly Signs, and How We Cope with Them. Opción, 21(46). Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org./index.php/opcion/article/view/6326