Corporate social responsibility in the textile sector: A conceptual analysis of dimensions

  • Arturo Luque González Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ambato, Ecuador Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España
  • Noelia Herrero-García Universidad Técnica de Babahoyos, Ecuador
Palabras clave: corporate social responsibility, transnational companies, globalization, textile, business ethics.


social responsibility (CSR), it is difficult to define this macro-concept. This article proposes the use of a qualitative methodology that limits the available definitions through an analysis determined by their frequency of use in Google Scholar. The sequential coding of these constructs is saturated in six categories. A triad model is proposed, from which the economic-social-ethical combination emerges as being cited once in every two occasions. The results show that the environmental and labor dimensions have a residual frequency of use, and this finding may be used to address weaknesses in CSR process
Cómo citar
Luque González, A., & Herrero-García, N. (2019). Corporate social responsibility in the textile sector: A conceptual analysis of dimensions. Opción, 35(90), 187-212. Recuperado a partir de