Evaluation of the Modified Flourescence Staining Differential on Pseudomonas spp. Isolated From Soil

  • Luzmila Albarado University of the East, Sucre Nucleus. School of Sciences, Department of Bioanalysis, General Microbiology Laboratory. Cumaná, Venezuela.
  • Evelin Flores University of the East, Sucre Nucleus. School of Sciences, Department of Bioanalysis, Histology Laboratory. Cumaná, Venezuela.
Keywords: Pseudomonas spp., modified fluorescent staining, acridine orange, fluorescein, soils


The modified fluorescence staining differential was evaluated using Pseudomonas spp. isolated from cultivated agricultural soils in the State of Sucre, in order to observe microscopic events related to the cellular cycle. Each species of biochemically identified Pseudomonas was inoculated into a broth and incubated at room temperature, aerobiosis, for 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes and 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours; then, slides were made and stained. For the 24 identified strains of Pseudomonas, P. mendocina (41.67%), P. aeruginosa (37.50%) and P. putida (20.83%), staining variations such as green, yellow and orange, fluorescent and low fluorescence were observed for the different incubation times. The stain uses acridine orange that interacts with DNA by intercalation, causing green fluorescence; it interacts withRNAby electrostatic attraction causing orange fluorescence; the alcohol-acetone decolorant removes the acridine orange not united with the genetic material and sodium fluorescein produces a yellow color in bacteria that retain a sufficient amount of acridine orange. Cytoplasmatic staining variations in Pseudomonas spp., are associated with the amount of RNA and DNA present in the cells according to the phase of their cellular cycle.

How to Cite
Albarado L, Flores E. Evaluation of the Modified Flourescence Staining Differential on Pseudomonas spp. Isolated From Soil. Kasmera [Internet]. 2008Jun.7 [cited 2024Oct.21];36(1):17-. Available from: https://produccioncientificaluz.org./index.php/kasmera/article/view/4819
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