Reflexiones acerca del matrimonio igualitario en el Ecuador ¿Replantear el Código Civil?
Reflections about equal marriage in Ecuador, rethink the Civil Code?
The research aims to reflect on egalitarian marriage in Ecuador in relation to the need to rethink the Civil Code. The methodology used is descriptive with a qualitative design; otherwise, the sources of information selected were normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential. In addition, the analytical method, documentary observation and mixed cards were used as the instruments of the case. The results obtained show that equality is included in the list of human rights; marriage in Ecuador has constitutional rank and, according to jurisprudential criteria and opinions of international organizations, the panorama for egalitarian marriage is broadened. The most relevant conclusion is that the action to rethink the Civil Code in Ecuador in terms of equal marriage, does not necessarily require a pronouncement of the Legislative Function, but the argued and solid jurisprudence seems to be on par with the demanding and emerging changes of society.
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