Mathematical models for evaluating efficiency and quality of means for synchronization of interacting processes in reconfigurable computer systems

  • Alexey Martyshkin Penza State Technological University
Palabras clave: reconfigurable system, operating system, shared resource, process synchronization, task manager, model, stochastic network


In this paper, the modelling method is applied to evaluate the performance characteristics of various methods for synchronization of parallel processes in order to determine which way to use to implement them: software or hardware. Comparative characteristics of process synchronization by the spin lock method and the core lock method are presented. Charts have been constructed that display the obtained characteristics.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alexey Martyshkin, Penza State Technological University
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Computational Machines and Systems Department Penza State Technological University


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Cómo citar
Martyshkin, A. (2019). Mathematical models for evaluating efficiency and quality of means for synchronization of interacting processes in reconfigurable computer systems. Revista De La Universidad Del Zulia, 10(27), 152-167. Recuperado a partir de