Julio-Diciembre 2015
Vol. 5 No. 2
Octubre-diciembre 2024
Vol. 14 No. 3
Malakova, Bermudes et al / Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el trabajo
Interacción y Perspectiva Dep. Legal pp 201002Z43506
Revista de Trabajo Social ISSN 2244-808X
Vol. 14 No3 594-604 pp. Copyright © 2024
Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el
trabajo pedagógico
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11168459
Nadiya Malakhova *, Diana Bermudes **, Larysa Klochko ***, Vladyslav Bilous ****,
y Natalia Revenko *****
Este artículo examina detalladamente el problema de la preparación de los licenciados
para la enseñanza profesional, tanto desde la perspectiva de la literatura científica como
de la práctica pedagógica. En particular, se enfoca en explicar el concepto de
"preparación de los licenciados para las actividades profesionales y pedagógicas" en
instituciones educativas que ofrecen programas de formación profesional secundaria. El
artículo establece las condiciones pedagógicas necesarias para desarrollar la preparación
de los licenciados en este tipo de actividades. Se presenta un modelo metodológico
fundamentado en teoría para el desarrollo de la preparación de los licenciados en la
enseñanza profesional en instituciones de formación profesional. Además, los autores
describen el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema metodológico para preparar
a los licenciados en la enseñanza profesional, el cual incluye una serie de medidas
destinadas a mejorar el nivel de preparación de los futuros profesores. En la parte final
del artículo se ofrecen recomendaciones metodológicas para el desarrollo de la
preparación de los licenciados en la enseñanza profesional, con un enfoque práctico en
el proceso educativo. En resumen, este artículo representa una valiosa contribución al
campo de la ciencia y la práctica pedagógicas al proporcionar un enfoque integral para
preparar a los licenciados para una labor efectiva en el ámbito educativo. Este estudio
será de utilidad tanto para profesores, metodólogos y directores de instituciones
educativas, como para investigadores interesados en temas de educación profesional y
formación docente.
Palabras clave: sistema educativo, condiciones pedagógicas, recomendaciones
metodológicas, formación profesional secundaria
Develop the professional preparation of future teachers for the
pedagogical work
This article provides an in-depth analysis of the issue of preparing graduates for
professional teaching roles, as discussed in scientific literature and pedagogical practice.
It primarily focuses on explaining the essence of the concept of "preparing graduates for
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
professional and pedagogical activities" in educational organizations offering secondary
vocational training programs. The article establishes the necessary pedagogical
conditions for developing graduates' preparedness for such activities. A theoretically
grounded methodological model is presented for developing the preparation of graduates
for professional teaching activities in vocational education organizations. Furthermore,
the authors describe the development and testing of a methodological system to prepare
graduates for professional teaching activities. This system includes a set of measures
aimed at enhancing the level of preparedness of future teachers. The final part of the
article provides methodological recommendations for developing the preparedness of
graduates for professional teaching roles, with a focus on practical application in the
educational process. Overall, the article represents a valuable contribution to the field of
pedagogical science and practice by offering an integrated approach to preparing
graduates for effective work in the educational domain. This study will be beneficial for
teachers, methodologists, educational institution directors, as well as researchers
interested in issues related to professional education and teacher training.
Keywords: educational system, pedagogical conditions, methodological
recommendations, secondary vocational education.
Recibido: 20/03/2024 Aceptado: 29/04/2024
* Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-
7070-7364. E-mail: Malakhova@gmail.com
** Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8020-4721 . E-mail: Bermudes@gmail.com
*** Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
https://orcid.org/0009-0003-3239-8754. E-mail: Klochko@ukr.net
**** Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-3121-
9570. E-mail: Bilous@gmail.com
***** V.О. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-
1788-3914. E-mail: Revenko@gmail.com
1. Introduction
In the modern educational environment, special attention is paid to the training of
highly qualified teaching staff capable of effectively coping with the dynamically
changing requirements of the educational sphere. A key aspect in this process is the
formation of professional readiness of future teachers. This topic occupies a central
place in pedagogical science and practice, since it is readiness for professional activity
that determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and the quality of
education in general.
The development of professional readiness covers a wide range of aspects: from
theoretical knowledge and methodological training to practical skills and psychological
adaptation to the future profession. It is important to recognize that professional
readiness is not limited to just academic knowledge; it also includes the development
of personal qualities, emotional intelligence, the ability to work in a team and find an
individual approach to each student (Novoa, A., 2017).
In the modern educational context, it is important to emphasize innovative teaching
methods, including the use of digital technologies and interactive pedagogical
Malakova, Bermudes et al / Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el trabajo
approaches. This is necessary in order to prepare future teachers to effectively conduct
the educational process in an ever-evolving and technologically saturated world.
As part of this work, the complex structure of professional readiness of future
teachers will be considered, the key components and mechanisms of their
development will be identified. Modern approaches and strategies in education aimed
at improving the quality of teacher training, which is an integral part of the strategy
for the development of the educational system, will also be explored (Sahlberg, P.,
Particular attention in the work will be paid to the issues of integrating theoretical
knowledge with practical skills, as well as developing the ability of future teachers to
self-learn and professional self-development. In the context of these aspects, it will
be considered how educational institutions can contribute to the formation of full-
fledged professional readiness in their students, which will ultimately lead to improved
quality of education and training in general.
In conclusion, it will be emphasized that preparing future teachers for professional
activities is a complex and multifaceted task that requires coordinated efforts from
both educational institutions and students. Only through such a joint approach can
the goal be achieved - training qualified, motivated and ready for new challenges
teachers who are able to contribute to the development of the educational sector.
In modern conditions of rapid development of industries, a special role is assigned
to the teacher who provides high-quality professional training for mid-level
specialists. This problem can be solved provided that the bachelor’s readiness for
professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties in professional
educational organizations is formed (Meyer, H., 2010).
Modern requirements for the future vocational training teacher are enshrined in the
educational standards of higher education. In this regard, one of the criteria for
determining the quality of a teacher’s readiness for professional pedagogical activities in
technical specialties is the level of development of professional pedagogical knowledge
and skills, professionally significant qualities. Achieving a high level of bachelor's
readiness depends on the coordination of goals, content, methods, organizational forms,
methods, pedagogical and production technologies used in higher education.
2. Methodology
As a result of the analysis of scientific literature and dissertations on the research
topic, the methodological foundations of the formation of teachers readiness for
professional activities were studied, namely: the importance of the concepts of a
teacher’s professional readiness for professional and pedagogical activities was revealed
(Korthagen, F. A. J., 2004), (Meyer, H., 2010), (Novoa, A., 2017), (Sahlberg, P., 2011),
(Wenger, E., 1998), (Biesta, G., 2015), (Day, C., 2004), (Niemi, H., & Nevgi, A., 2014),
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
(Darling-Hammond, L., & Lieberman, A. (Eds.), 2012), (Menter, I., et al., 2010),
(Zeichner, K., & Liston, D., 2013), (Tatto, M. T. (Ed.), 2015).
The reliability of the results, conclusions and recommendations obtained during the
study was ensured by the theoretical and methodological validity of the main idea of the
study, based on regulatory documents in the field of higher and secondary vocational
Implementation of professional training for bachelors, as well as mid-level
specialists; long-term nature of experimental work; the comprehensive nature of the
use of research methods, corresponding to the goals and objectives of the study;
confirmation of the hypothesis put forward to study the problem; quantitative and
qualitative research results.
However, we have not identified any studies that would reflect the problem of
developing the readiness of bachelors for professional and pedagogical activities in
technical specialties. The feasibility of research in this direction is evidenced by the
contradictions between:
The need of society for professionally trained teachers of vocational training of a
technical profile, capable of using pedagogical and production innovations in the
educational process and the insufficient level of formation in them of readiness for
professional pedagogical activities;
Increased requirements of professional educational organizations for the quality of
vocational training and insufficient validity of the theoretical foundations for the
formation of bachelors’ readiness for professional and pedagogical activities in technical
The objective need of teaching practice for a qualitatively new system for the
formation of professional knowledge, skills, personal and professionally significant
qualities of the future teacher and the insufficiently developed methodological
foundations for their design and use in the educational process of higher education.
These contradictions, the social significance of developing the readiness of bachelors
for professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties, and the insufficient
justification of the research problem in pedagogical theory and practice determined the
topic of the study.
The methodological basis of the study was:
A systematic approach that allows for a comprehensive study of the process of
developing the readiness of bachelors for professional and pedagogical activities as an
integral system;
A competency-based approach, focused on mastering the system of professional
competencies of bachelors necessary for organizing and managing the educational
process in professional educational organizations;
Malakova, Bermudes et al / Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el trabajo
A synergetic approach aimed at the process of self-organization of the student’s
personality through self-determination, considered as an adaptation of the individual’s
internal needs to the conditions of the real situation, methods of various types of
An activity-based approach that ensures the orderly action of a vocational training
teacher in organizing and managing various types of activities of students in the learning
A personality-oriented approach aimed at the development of each subject of the
educational process based on the creation of certain conditions, taking into account the
individual qualities of the student’s personality.
These methods are used in various combinations depending on the specific
objectives of the study. The key aspect is the choice of methods that will most effectively
help to study and analyze various factors and conditions affecting the professional
readiness of future teachers. It is also important to ensure that the methods chosen are
consistent with ethical guidelines and scientific research standards.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological
foundations and experimentally test the effectiveness of the methodological system for
developing the readiness of bachelors for professional teaching activities.
Object of the article: professional and pedagogical training of bachelors in higher
Subject of research: methodological foundations for developing the readiness of
bachelors for professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties.
3. Results
Research hypotheses:
It is possible that the content of the concept “readiness of bachelors for
professional-pedagogical activities in technical specialties” can be clarified on the basis
of a semantic analysis of key research concepts related to pedagogical, professional and
professional-pedagogical activities;
It is possible that the proposed pedagogical conditions will ensure an effective
process of developing the readiness of bachelors in higher education;
It is possible that the proposed model will ensure the implementation motivational,
content-based, professional-technological and personal-developmental components
aimed at developing the levels of readiness of bachelors for professional and pedagogical
activities in technical specialties in professional educational organizations;
It is possible that the proposed methodological system will provide a phased and
multi-level formation of the readiness of bachelors of automotive specialization for
professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties;
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
It is possible that the developed methodological recommendations will have a
practical orientation, which will allow university teachers to use them in the process of
preparing for lectures, practical and laboratory classes.
We considered the readiness of a bachelor for professional pedagogical activity from
the position of a bachelor-graduate in the role of a teacher of vocational training through
his functional responsibilities, based on the integration of two types of activities in
professional educational organizations: a teacher of general professional disciplines and
interdisciplinary courses; master of industrial (practical) training, in our case, in the
specialization: “Service and operation of road transport.”
4. Discussion
Deepening the study of the essence of the professional pedagogical activity of a
vocational teacher in professional educational organizations made it possible to
formulate the content of the concept of “readiness of bachelors for professional
pedagogical activity in technical specialties,” which we considered as: “an interactive
quality of personality, expressed by a system of formed knowledge, skills and
professionally significant qualities necessary for the implementation of secondary
vocational education and vocational training programs in professional educational
organizations" (Korthagen, F. A. J., 2004).
The presented model for the formation of bachelors’ readiness for professional and
pedagogical activities in technical specialties is a graphic representation of the goal,
content, didactic principles, methodological approaches, main components, pedagogical
conditions, stages of formation of a future specialist, criteria, indicators and level of
formation of bachelors’ readiness (Menter, I., et al., 2010).
The strategic goal is aimed at training a competitive specialist; tactical goals
contribute to obtaining the maximum positive result in the development of bachelors,
shaping their readiness for future activities; operational goals contributed to the daily
and systematic formation of professional pedagogical knowledge and skills,
professionally significant qualities.
A functional analysis of the professional and pedagogical activity of the future
vocational education teacher made it possible to identify the main components of
readiness: motivational, content-based, vocational-technological, personal
development. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific sources and practical
experience, the most significant pedagogical conditions for the formation of bachelors’
readiness for professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties were
identified, including: the formation of positive motivation for bachelors to master the
system of professional competencies necessary for the high-quality training of mid-level
specialists; mastering production and pedagogical innovative technologies; ensuring the
Malakova, Bermudes et al / Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el trabajo
development of the student’s creative potential in the process of subject-subject
Criteria and indicators have been developed that determine the content of the
maturity of the components of the model; the levels of preparedness of bachelors for
professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties have been determined
(basic, sufficient, high) (Tatto, M. T. (Ed.), 2015).
The proposed methodological system for developing the readiness of bachelors for
professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties is a set of interrelated
structural elements such as: goals, content, organizational forms, methods and
technologies of training, which are most consistent with the development of technical
and technological thinking and are aimed at developing the skills to make optimal
solutions in non-standard situations (Wenger, E., 1998).
In the practice of higher education, to develop the readiness of bachelors for
professional pedagogical activities, it is advisable to use game, project, case, information
and communication technologies and cooperation technologies, which are aimed at
achieving positive results in the formation of a system of professional pedagogical
knowledge and skills, the development of professionally significant qualities (Iasechko
S., Pereiaslavska S., Smahina O., Lupei N., Mamchur L. and Tkachova O., 2022).
The data obtained during the formative stage were summarized and compared with
the results of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment. The result of the
analysis of the achievements of the motivational component at the formative stage of
the experiment revealed that the number of respondents with a high level of motivation
reached 46.0%, which is 10.3% more compared to the results of the ascertaining stage
of the experiment; the number of respondents with a sufficient level increased by 45.2%,
which is 14.1% more compared to the results of the ascertaining stage, and with a basic
level of motivation the number of respondents decreased significantly, which indicates
the reliability of the differences. Consequently, a comparative analysis of the results
obtained indicates that significant changes have occurred in the positive motivation of
The results obtained at the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment were
the basis for determining the content of the formative stage of the experiment. During
the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the effectiveness of introducing a
methodological system for developing the readiness of bachelors for professional and
pedagogical activities in technical specialties into the educational process in higher
education was checked.
The dynamics of the formation of bachelors’ readiness for professional and
pedagogical activities in the content component in the experimental group at the
formative stage of the pedagogical experiment in comparison with the ascertaining one
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
indicates that the number of bachelors with a high level increased to 20%, with a
sufficient one by 7.1%, and with a basic level the number of bachelors decreased to
27.1%. This is confirmed by statistically significant differences (χ² = 5.773), i.e. it is
practically equal to the threshold value and it can be argued that there are significant
differences in the parameters under consideration. A comparative analysis of the results
of the technological component to professional and pedagogical activities in professional
educational organizations revealed that with a high level at the formative stage,
compared with the ascertaining one, there were 17.1% more respondents, with a
sufficient level there were 4.3% more respondents, and with the basic level the number
of respondents decreased by 21.4%. The difference is statistically significant (χ²
=6.10134) at level = 0.05.
The dynamics of the preparedness of bachelors for the personal development
component in the experimental group at the formative stage of the experiment, in
comparison with the ascertaining one, revealed that the number of respondents with a
high level increased by 20%, with a sufficient level of respondents increased by 7.1%,
and with a basic level the number of respondents decreased by 27.1%. The resulting
differences are statistically significant (χ² = 6.02317) at the level = 0.05.
Thus, the results obtained confirmed the hypothesis and evidenced the
achievement of the goal and assigned tasks.
5. Conclusion
Thus, in statistics, the improvement of the concept of formation of the readiness
of bachelors for professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties in
professional educational organizations in which programs of secondary vocational
education and vocational training are implemented”, as a subject of scientific
knowledge in the context of the competence paradigm and the functional content of
professional and pedagogical activities. A methodological system for developing the
readiness of automotive bachelors for professional and pedagogical activities in
technical specialties has been developed, justified and experimentally tested; it reflects
the dynamics of the formation of professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and
professionally significant qualities through the implementation of goals (strategic,
tactical, operational); content of training future vocational teachers; the use of modern
forms of organizing the educational process, active and interactive teaching methods
(problem-based, training, moderation method); innovative technologies (games,
design, case studies, information and communication technologies, cooperation
technologies). A set of pedagogical conditions has been developed and introduced into
the practice of an educational organization to promote the formation of bachelors
readiness for professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties (formation
of positive motivation for mastering the system of competencies; mastering production
and pedagogical technologies; ensuring the development of the creative potential of
students in the process of subject-subject development of interaction; scientific and
Malakova, Bermudes et al / Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el trabajo
methodological provision for the formation and improvement of theoretical knowledge
and practical skills).
Based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of the pedagogical
experiment, indicators were established that confirm the trend towards positive
dynamics in the formation of professional pedagogical knowledge, skills, and
professionally significant qualities at three levels (basic, sufficient, high).
Thus, the dynamics of the formation of bachelors’ readiness for activities in the
content component in the experimental group at the formative stage of the pedagogical
experiment, in comparison with the ascertaining one, indicates that the number of
bachelors with a high level increased to 20%, with a sufficient level by 7.1%, and with
a basic level the number of bachelors decreased up to 27.1%. This is confirmed by
statistically significant differences (x2 = 5.773); A comparative analysis of the results
of diagnosing the levels of formation of the professional-technological component for
professional-pedagogical activities in technical specialties revealed that with a high
level at the formative stage, compared with the constant level, there were 17.1% more
respondents, with a sufficient level - by 4.3%, and with the base number of
respondents decreased by 21.4%. The difference is statistically significant (x =
6.10134) at level = 0.05; The dynamics of the formation of the readiness of bachelors
of the personal development component in the experimental group at the formative
stage of the experiment, compared with the constant one, revealed that the number
of respondents with a high level increased by 20%, with a sufficient level, more by
7.1%, and with a basic level, the number of respondents decreased by 27.1%. The
results obtained confirmed the hypothesis and evidenced the achievement of the goal
and assigned tasks.
Based on the results of the study, methodological recommendations were
prepared regarding the formation of bachelors’ readiness for professional teaching
activities in professional educational organizations. They reflect the methodology of
organizing and managing the educational process; innovative, organizational forms,
methods and technologies of training are considered in technical specialties; the main
approaches to conducting lectures, practical and laboratory classes, industrial and
pedagogical practices, and self-educational activities of students are considered.
The reliability of the results, conclusions and recommendations obtained during
the study was ensured by the theoretical and methodological validity of the main idea
of the study, based on regulatory documents in the field of higher and secondary
vocational education; implementation of professional training for bachelors, as well as
mid-level specialists; long-term nature of experimental work; the comprehensive
nature of the use of research methods, corresponding to the goals and objectives of
the study; confirmation of the hypothesis put forward to study the problem;
quantitative and qualitative research results (Tsilmak, O., Iasechko, S., Poplavska, M.,
Motlyakh, O., & Kabanets, O.,2022).
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
Based on the results of the study, methodological recommendations were prepared
regarding the formation of bachelors’ readiness for professional teaching activities in
professional educational organizations. They reflect the methodology of organizing and
managing the educational process; innovative, organizational forms, methods and
technologies of training are considered in technical specialties; the main approaches to
conducting lectures, practical and laboratory classes, industrial and pedagogical
practices, and self-educational activities of students are considered.
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